Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Funambulist of Batu Caves..

Finally bought the famous/infamous Canon EF 100-400mm. Its the only affordable 400mm lens L lens with IS. Although its an "L", its no way close to my beloved 135mm f/2L. Some CA is noticable at the long end. I am worried because of the push-pull zoom design. Rumor has it, the lens behaves like a dust pump when pushed and pulled.. Let's see what happens..


  1. দারুণ হলো। আপনার কাছ থেকে ভালো ফীডব্যাক পাওয়া যাবে। আমি একসময় এটা নিয়ে স্বপ্ন দেখতাম, তবে রিপোর্ট পড়ে অন্য চিন্তা করছি। ৭০-২০০ এফ২.৮ এল এর কথা ভাবছি। যদিও ২০০ আর ৪০০'র মধ্যে বিস্তর ফারাক, কাছে পিছের পাখির জন্য ২০০ দিয়েই হয়তো কাজ হবে। সাথে ১.৪এক্স এক্সটেন্ডার দিয়ে চলবেনা?

  2. The EF70-200 f/2.8L or EF70-200 f/2.8L IS?

    Non IS version has slightly better sharpness but very difficult to shoot in low light.

    Native 400 is always better than extender. And 200 with 1.4 is not a range you can be happy with for birding..

  3. Do you have 300 F/4 L? How would this be with 1.4x extender? Many review says its famous for its sharpness.

  4. I wanted to buy that initially. But I got a good deal on the 100-400mm so went for that.

    300mm f/4L IS prime and 400mm f/5.6L prime both are VERY famous for sharpness.. You can try using extender with 300mm.. but this would make it slower, less sharp and add CA..

    For Full-frame 300mm is not long enough, but for crop-body i think the length is ok. You can even have fun without the extender.. :)

  5. Please post some more photos of your 100-400 L. I wanna see how good photos it can take. :)


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